Our Clients
Our Projects

We are a major provider of maintenance, landscaping and works for the park and Nitmiluk Tours:
Visitors Centre: Demolition and clean up, landscaping, irrigation, concrete footpaths and painting preparation. Nitmiluk Cultural Centre: Land clearing and construction of new shed, toilet facilities, footbridge and footpath.
Biddlecombe Cascades: Land clearing and construction of eco tents, dining and kitchen areas, demolition of damaged toilets and construction of new facilities, construction and minor repairs to off-road access road including two major river crossings.
Gorge crossover (Gorge 1 and 2): Demolition and removal of existing walkway, construction of stone steps and footpath.
Leliyn: Footpaths and stone steps.
Mountain Bike Trail: Initial clearing works.
NT Gov Dept of Housing
Manyallaluk Roper Gulf Shire House Renovation
Cutta Cutta Caves
Shade Structure